The Ultimate Guide to On-Page SEO: 12 Factors to Maximize Your Rankings

On page SEO is an important factor in organic rankings - learn how to optimize yours with these 12 essential tips! Contact BurnesSEO today!

The Ultimate Guide to On-Page SEO: 12 Factors to Maximize Your Rankings
Content is the most important factor for search engine rankings. It must meet a demand and be linkable in order to be considered good content. On-page SEO is the process of optimizing the content, tags, and internal links of a page to improve its visibility in search results. Here are 12 factors to maximize your on-page SEO. Now consider that 92.4% of Internet users who search their mobile phones for something close visit that business the same day and you can start to see the impact that organic SEO can have on your bottom line. And on-page optimization is an important factor in your organic ranking. One way Google values your website is based on E-A-T, or experience, authority, and reliability. While Google has only confirmed some elements of E-A-T (PageRank and links), it is generally accepted in the field of SEO that on-page signals play an important role in its evaluations. Pages that include the keywords used in a query, whether in the body, in the headings, or both, are more likely to be relevant to the search. Be aware of the size of image files to avoid slow loading. Make your images shareable to identify backlink opportunities, which can help boost your E-A-T. Make sure you include the name of your destination location in your keywords and put them in your content wherever they fit. Mobile devices now account for more than 56% of all Internet use, while tablets contribute another 2.4%. There was a time when URLs played an important role in SEO. Professionals would ensure that their keywords were included in web addresses to help them rank better. Next, it is important to understand what is really being positioned here. Relevance is built page by page. Meta tags are one of the most important factors of on-page seo, specifically page titles. Each page has a title tag that appears in search results as a title. The meta description is a brief summary of the page that appears below the title in the search results. Both are important in helping search engines and users understand the purpose of a page. Google uses around 200 different factors to position a site. The keywords in the title, description and H1 tag are one of the most important factors in obtaining a ranking. For this reason, fixing technical SEO errors is often a joint effort between marketing and development teams. The difference between SEO factors and ranking factors may seem like a matter of semantics, but it's important to remember that SEO is much more than just getting to the top of Google. Two terms you'll hear a lot of mention when talking about SEO ranking factors are on-page SEO and off-page SEO. When auditing your site for SEO improvements, you can check yours with GTmetrix or Google PageSpeed Insights. Great list, Pawel, useful for those of us who have been dabbling with SEO for a while, so remember to stay focused on important tasks. Great information, today everyone wants to generate leads from SEO and it is possible to work for users, not for us. In this column, you'll find five on-site SEO factors that matter most, with tips on how to put them to work for you. As you may already know, SEO stands for search engine optimization, which simply means making web pages more likely to rank in a search engine. For now, it is enough to know that all the factors listed above enter the Google algorithm and help determine the SEO ranking. This is because readable text is easier for Google and users to digest, which is ultimately good for your SEO. On-page SEO (or On-Site SEO) is the practice of optimizing web pages for specific keywords in order to improve visibility and search traffic. In this step-by-step guide to on-page SEO, I'll explain the most important page-specific optimization best practices you should implement and why they're fundamental to your overall SEO strategy. With Google Chrome, check the top SEO metrics instantly for any website or search result as you browse the web. You can easily configure all this with a plugin like All in One SEO, it's the best SEO plugin for WordPress on the market. Images, for example, can send relevant signals to the search engine through their alternative text, title and description, for example... Find out how to rank on Google by contacting BurnesSEO today!