What is Google's Main Business?

Google is a technology giant that offers a wide range of services from search engines to cloud computing. But its core business is online advertising. Learn more about how Google's business model works and how it generates revenue.

What is Google's Main Business?
Google is a technology giant that offers a wide range of services, from search engines to cloud computing. But its core business is online advertising. As a result, access to all Google services except Chinese Google Maps within mainland China is blocked without the help of virtual private networks, proxy servers or other similar technologies. Google's business model includes several aspects, such as start-ups at different stages of development, purchases of other companies' information databases, and advertising on Google products like Search, Maps, and YouTube. Let's take a closer look at how Google's business model works and how it generates revenue. Google AdWords allows businesses of all sizes to advertise on Google websites, including Gmail, YouTube and Google's search engine, and also allows third-party websites to display Google advertising on their pages. Advertisers send ads to Google that include a list of keywords related to a product, service or company. This helps businesses reach potential customers and generate revenue. Alphabet reported that it continued to enjoy strong growth in its advertising business during the quarter. Despite the prospects of some investors that other Google projects are reducing the company's profitability, its diversification from major lines of business continues to lead the company to achieve new financial milestones. Google has come under criticism for alleged misuse and manipulation of search results, the use of the intellectual property of others, concerns that their data collection may violate people's privacy and the power consumption of their servers, as well as concerns over traditional business issues such as monopoly and trade restriction, anti-competitive practices and patent infringement. Google's core business is online advertising, but it also offers a wide range of services from search engines to cloud computing. Its diversification from major lines of business continues to lead the company to achieve new financial milestones. Understanding how Google's business model works can help businesses reach potential customers and generate revenue.